
Feature Request: add games manually


As far as I know, there is no possibility to add games played offline (or on other platforms?) to the database of played games?

Eg. I play in a club on a weekly basis. I now add the games to the analysis board or to a private study.
However, it would be handy if I could just add the game manually and have it available under 'my games' what I could search them by opening, result etc. For me personally, I wouldn't mind if other people could see these games. I suppose there are others out there with the same idea?
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Could be added in the 'Import Game' tab?
'Import Game' is the feature that lets you import games manually. Games will show up in your profile under Games > Imported Games.
However, imported games don't show up in advanced search, and I'm not sure why.
I agree, it's ok-ish, but the possibility to just 're-play' your game (like in a study/analysis...) instead of importing PGN's might improve it drastically. And afterwards adding info like the (fide) elo's, adversary names, round, tournament...

Now I am more or less force into other -paid- apps with wonky support and buggy code, OR if I find one that's ok, it costs a ridiculous amount of money (sometimes even with a subscription). Only because I like my games to be stored somewhere 'in a cloud' that is accessible via more than one type of device (mobile, pc...). Storing a Fritz/chessbase DB on some Dropbox, Box, OneDrive... works, but is a bit of a legacy approuch to it. Mobile apps (android/iOS) tend to store the files locally but not in a cloud db. I thought Lichess could fill out that gap ;-)

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