
Feature request for Teams: Watch games

Would it be possible to add a "Watch games" page for a team? It could be just like Watch / Current Games ( on the main menu but instead just for games currently underway by team members (could include a team member playing someone outside the team as well). The recent improvements for access to a team tournament and messaging a team are great! Teams has become a big opportunity for Lichess during this coronavirus period. Thank you!

Sorry if this has already been discussed -- I searched and didn't find it but will delete this topic if it's already been discussed.
This would be an incredible feature! Can this be done? Add it to the list of new Teams features! :)
Wow, I would love to have this! I could watch all of the games for my team during online chess club at once.... please can this be added!??
So there is definitely some interest. How does this get added to a development pipeline? Does this forum get tracked for possible new features? Is there developer on here every day?

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