
Search "user:Drewsel"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why can't I play en passant here?#1

Game analysis - "Why is this a blunder" and other questions I ask myself daily#6

@MrPushwood said in #4: > Can't really tell from what you've given though what exactly is going on there... I included a link to the entire games @Akbar2thegreat said in #5: > Also note that these ter…

Game analysis - "Why is this a blunder" and other questions I ask myself daily#3

well it won't let me edit anymore, so in order, here are the links to the games I took screenshots of. --> --> https://lich…

Game analysis - "Why is this a blunder" and other questions I ask myself daily#1

I'm asking two things in this post: the first is "Why is this a blunder?" the second is "Why is [this] a blunder?". In other words, for the situations in which it's not immediately clear, or not clear…

General Chess Discussion - How not to care obsessively about rating (especially fast time controls)?#18

@bugfan said in #17: > You mean Zen mode, right? I haven't tried it before, but that only hides ratings during the middle of games. No, Zen mode is different. "show player ratings" is the last option …

General Chess Discussion - How not to care obsessively about rating (especially fast time controls)?#16

Change the settings in Lichess to hide ratings. It'll be frustrating for a little, but you'll soon stop caring.

Lichess Feedback - Premoves in correspondence with wildcard#1

Is there a way to premove with a wildcard? I know you can already save multiple lines, but instead of going through each variation, can I just input a specific move, then the following move regardless…
